Episode 33 - Hungry, Humble and Smart: Three Key Traits of An Awesome Team Player


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Divinepreneur Set Free


In this episode, we explore the three traits in an ideal team player in any organization.  Let's face it: Top talent is hard to find.  They are even harder to keep (that's for another episode).  In his famed work, "The Ideal Team Player," Patrick Lencioni argues convincingly three tops traits that an employer should identify in their team members.  In honor of this work, we dive into the three traits and discuss their implications when they are present, or missing (or a combination of them).  The three key traits that an employer would want in any team member are humility, hunger, and intelligence (including emotional intelligence.  Ideally, we want all three traits in any single team player. Some will have one while others will have two.   The combination of any two are important to look at.   For example, those who are humble and smart, but not hungry will be ones that typically slide on by.  They are under the radar.  They are often times pretty quiet. They will draw very little attention to themselves.  However, they can certainly do the job.  Next, there are team members who are both smart, and hungry, and are not humble.  These are likely the most dangerous type of employee.  Unfortunately, these team members can often times be prideful and likely are looking out for number one only - and not the team.  The close cousin to the one that we just mentioned is ones who are not humble, and not hungry, but are very smart.  They are the politicians likely.  They like themselves very much.  There are practical ways to identifying team members with these traits. One way is to break free from the traditional behind-the-desk interview ; take the candidate into a pressured setting.  Take him or her to a restaurant and see who they interact with the public, service people, and parking lot attendants.   In the end, we want a holistic member for our team so that we can add value to it, and ultimately to our customers.   Blessings,  #shiuyaright