Episode 53: Alex Griendling


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Alex Griendling is the co-owner of Lunar Saloon with his wife Meg. On the episode, we talked about movie posters, creative freedom, and making what you want.   Links: Lunar Saloon: https://lunarsaloon.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/alexgriendling Stardeck: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/lunarsaloon/stardeck-space-grade-playing-cards MCAD: https://mcad.edu/   Notes: -Lunar Saloon -Bouncy Smash -The gaming industry -Cold tweeting -Making what you want -Kickstarters -Stardeck -Astro Alphabet -Interlink -Movie posters -The film industry -Creative freedom -Google -Design vs. Being a designer -Teaching at MCAD -Client relationships -Design process -Starting with sketches -Not being defensive to feedback -Minneapolis -California -Starting Lunar Saloon -The future of Lunar Saloon -Being proud of your work -Twitch -Live streaming -Dream Client: Valve on branding fake corporations and characters within their games -Favorite animated film: Akira, Princess and the Frog, Who Framed Roger Rabbit -What do the people you love think you do for a living: Logos and stuff -Animalator: Dinosaur