Spending time with Kelsey is always nothing short of enlightening and uplifting. This women has a beautiful way of putting things in perspective through the lens of compassion, respect, and love. My interview with her was inspiring and eye opening! Kelsey opened up and shared her personal journey and struggles from Maiden to Mother along with her views of how the masculine has influenced women today and how simple yet profound shifts in attitude can really help make this transition a magnificent chapter in life. Kelsey Delane is a bookworm, an extroverted introvert, and a people-lover who is currently raising a preteen & a toddler while running her women-centered Yoga business. Since first starting her practice in 2006, Kelsey has been integrating the tools of breath, embodied movement, and yoga philosophy into all facets of her life, especially motherhood. Her heart’s desire is to de-mystify the time-tested wisdom of Yoga and to hold the hand of her students while they explore new ways of being in their body, heart and mind. In her work as a both a yoga teacher & a birth worker, Kelsey is devoted to educating yogis, teachers and moms on how to implement yogic philosophy in practical ways so they can become the hero of their own life. You can connect personally with Kelsey on social media or her website IG: @kelseydelaneyogaFB: Kelsey Delane Troup, E-RYT500, RPYTYoga Mentor & Full Spectrum Doula