Episode 61: Maria Schneider


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Speaking of the Arts


We have a couple of exciting announcements to make today. First, I want everyone to know we just launched a brand new website for the podcast! www.speakingofthearts.com has a new updated look and feel and contains every episode we’ve done since we launched back in 2015. The newer episodes feature both audio and video versions with our guests. I want to thank my team member Marie Le Claire for all of her work behind the scenes and for making the new website look great. Next, I want to draw attention to an exciting webinar we are hosting this Thursday, July 16, 2020. The webinar is on the topic of Live Streaming and we have an incredible lineup of guest speakers who will discuss best practices including how to monetize your next stream. Artists and promoters will especially benefit from the webinar so please go to www.epsteinco.com/news for more information on how to register for the event. Space is limited so be sure to sign up soon. Now, onto today’s podcast episode. I have wanted to have this guest on the podcast since I started the series and we finally connected. Maria Schneider is a 5x Grammy winning conductor and composer and she has worked with everyone from David Bowie to Dawn Upshaw. In 2019 the National Endowment for the Arts bestowed on Schneider the nation's highest honor in jazz, naming her an NEA Jazz Master. Recently, the National Recording Registry inducted her Grammy winning album Concert in the Garden into the registry and she was also given the distinction of being elected into the 2020 American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Schneider has become a strong voice for musical advocacy and in 2014, she testified before the US Congressional Subcommittee on Intellectual Property about digital rights. She has also appeared on CNN, participated in round-tables for the United States Copyright Office, and has been quoted in numerous publications for her views on Spotify, Pandora, YouTube, Google, digital rights, and music piracy. Our conversation centers around Maria’s new album Data Lords which is now available for order. This is by far her most ambitious project to date and it is a double album release. Head over to www.mariaschneider.com now and order yourself a copy. You will not be disappointed. We also talk about about Maria’s earliest influences during her musical upbringing, what makes a good bandleader, and so much more. I had a blast speaking with Maria and I hope you enjoy today's episode. Thanks for listening everyone.