Episode 77 - Doctrine of Togetherness


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Wye Mills UMC Podcast

Religion & Spirituality

This morning we are going to look at Genesis 2. I wasn’t going to.I was going to skip it and go to chapter 3 because chapter 2 is a retelling of the creation account.But there is something in chapter 2 that needs to be unpacked.In verse 18 we heard this morning that God said “It is not good for man to be alone…”There is a lot in this statement and I call this the Doctrine of Togetherness.The synonyms for togetherness, according to thesaurus.com, are:affection, intimacy, closeness, friendship, fellowship, close, feeling, inseparableness…Togetherness encompasses all of these, so, the Doctrine of Togetherness.God speaks a deep lesson in this phrase.It is not good for us to be alone.God creates another human being so the first human being will not be alone.I know this verse is most often used in the context of marriage,But I believe it is much broader than that.See, God is sovereign and knew/knows what will happen in the history that is to come.And knew/knows all of this before the earth is ever created.Along with that, two human beings, male and female, goes along with God’s created order (that we talked about last week).God created the earth in such a way that is sustains itself,And with two humans that can reproduce, that creation can sustain itself,In that we will never have to be alone.The beauty of this is it wasn’t just Adam and Eve God was looking at here.God was looking at forever.God was looking to you and I.God was ensuring we (all of us; you and I; future generations),Would not be alone.When God spoke the words - It is not good for man to be alone,God was speaking for that moment and every moment to come after,From that moment until now and future moments.Can you see how wide and how deep God’s creative process is?God deals in eternity as much as God deals in right now.And when God speaks something, then we need to look to then, now, and ahead.And when we limit this verse to the context of marriage,We are missing so much of what God is doing here.Don’t hear what I am not saying here.This verse is 100% relevant to marriage,It is just not limited to marriage.We were created to be in relationship, friendship, in intimacy, in love.God created us to experience togetherness,And being alone too much will have negative effects on us.Now - being alone sometimes is a good thing because we need that reset.If there had never been any sin, we wouldn’t need that reset and could be around everybody all the time.But as it is, being alone too much is not good for us.Take stock of the times you were lonely…or maybe you’re lonely right now.Think about your emotional state during loneliness…during times you are separated from people.I know some of my lowest times were in loneliness.When I thought that I had no one.There was this feeling of no one caring enough about me to be with me.One of the loneliest times in my life (and I was surrounded by friends),Was when my best friend in high school was killed in a car accident.I was at a really low point and in fact had thought about just driving my car into oncoming traffic at full speed.I felt like I was alone in this world.The