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Let food be thy medicine


It’s similar to braising but refers to food that has been cut into smaller pieces in stewing the meat it is usually browned over a higher heat, then returned to the pot with other ingredients, such as vegetables, and the liquid to cover the ingredients. When stewing any kind of older meat that is tougher than younger meat, it is important that we remember that this will require time a lot of slow time that is why it's called slow cooked. We will need to blanche it in the pan with some diced carrots, celery onions and oil, then add some red wine, and after our stock, we can use water if we don't have anything else, because the stock is already in the pan and this will create like a gravy its own natural gravy, then we can add our vegetables potatoes, carrots, turnips, etc. Cooking for this is around 2 1/2 hours or more on a low heat. or a slow cooker this is around 8 to 9 hours. Happy Stewing Carmela