Episode 92: How to Over-Deliver Without Under-Valuing Yourself or Your Offerings


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Life by Divine with Sue Dumais

Religion & Spirituality

Are you someone who likes to over deliver and offer way more value than what you charge for? This usually comes at a cost by compromising your time, energy and potential for prosperity.Join Global Impact Visionary Leader, Ordained Minister and gifted Intuitive Healer Sue Dumais as she shares the secret formula to over deliver without under valuing yourself or your offerings. Learn how to practice Divine marketing so you can be love in action and experience alignment with authentic abundance.Listen LIVE or access the podcast replay at www.heartledliving.com/radio#authenticabundance #DivineMarketing #authenticmarketing #getoutofyourhead #exposeego #discernment #YES #LivingOneness #Oneness #highlysensitivepeople #hopeforhumanity #motherearth #Truth #alignment #healer #awakening #energy #empaths #compassion #LivingOneness #Spirituality #heartYES #heartYESmovement #HeartLedLiving #LifebyDivine #theevolutionofthego #StandUPStandOUTStandSTRONG #book #SueDumais #GlobalImpactVisionaryLeader #uplifthumanity #uniteinLOVE #Intuition #TrustyourIntuition #IntuitiveChannel #intuitivehealing #intuitivehealer #lightworkers #lightleaders #ego #Spirit #Love #fear #confidence #faith #intuitionacademy #headversusheart #leadwithyourheart #raiseyourvibration #miracles #expectmiracles