Exclusive: Boris Johnson agrees to interview with Sooty


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That Option No Longer Exists

News & Politics

There's an election going on. Our thoughts on the campaign, the polls, and predictions and some stuff from the behind the curtain as Jon kills himself canvassing and Adam thinks he might go for the Labour leadership. We learn that when you knock doors: there are people who seem angry about voting Tory, there are people that seem guilty, there are those who feel somehow forced to; but you never get to meet any that are enthused or happy about it. It's Christmas and Swinson's Lib Dems is the vision Clarence the angel shows the Labour left to remind us all it's worth it. Plus the only chart midweek that matters and this lovely warm Christmasy playlist to deliver leaflets and drive to marginals with. Keep going, comrades. Jeremy will. Must Be Corbyn (Socialism's Coming) The Christmas single. Buy/stream now… *Amazon *iTunes *Spotify *Others