Explore how schools are adopting to technology in current challenging times


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Education Technology Trends , Innovations


Explore how schools are adopting to technology in current challenging times

Schools and examinations both are an integral part of a person’s educational journey. Schools are important to acquire knowledge and examinations are important to test the acquired knowledge.

Examinations are crucial part of the education system as they help to measure the progress of the student. They help to understand the amount of knowledge acquired by the students.

As a part of EduTech, the examinations are conducted in online mode. These online examinations are given by the students using internet based devices and can be conducted with the help of online examination platforms or tools.

These platforms are used to conduct online examinations for all the students beginning from K12 to post graduation level. Such platforms provide many ways to carry out every activity related to online exams in a much simple and hassle free way. These ways are innovated with the help of many features and techniques developed with the help of Technology.