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In this episode, we take a look at the question. Is there a way to use AI to find my online content? This question was recently posed to me by business owner. Hey, everybody, welcome to another episode of ClickAI Radio. It is good to be talking with you again. All right. So as I mentioned in the intro, recently, a business owner approached me and asked this question, he said, Is there a way to use AI to find my online content? Because I think it's been taken, I think people are taking my material. And is there a way to discover if they're a poacher or not? So what if that happened to you? Right? What kind of content do you have? That is online? And that potentially people could take in fact, how much of online content is plagiarized? Well, we know that there's quite a bit out there, but we know it empirically. But what what does it actually look like? I was looking at, at one site, they were talking about some some metrics, this was back in 2015. So this is a little old. It said researchers found that roughly the same percentage of papers included plagiarized text, were about half of the pre internet papers. So from their research, they came back and they said, You know what, there's actually more plagiarism in papers before the internet versus after that, I don't know that. I agree with that. That's not what I'm seeing. Right. So I kept looking around, I found another group for this was, of course, in the schooling, and education sector, came back and said most college presidents about 55% say that plagiarism in students papers has increased over the past 10 years. That was just a few years ago that that particular research base, they also went on to say that among those who have seen an increase in plagiarism, 89% say computers and the internet have played a major role that came from a Pew Research poll. All right. So that that line a little bit more with what I think I'm saying, I searched out another one, too, that also confirmed some similar things. All right. So when you talk to some people most sort of nod their head, right when you say, you Oh, yeah, there's plagiarism that takes off. But the the, you know, that takes place, but is there anything that could be done to protect yourself? So there are a number of solutions, of course out there today. And then the question is, well, what's the medium of the content? For instance, Grammarly, most of us know that site, that that solves the problem of, Oh, I'm developing a paper or a document or an article, and it will do the work to help you understand potential plays, or plagiarism in there. And there's a whole host of other sites out there for sure. The question I have for you, though, is, what if you want to find your content out there on Google or on YouTube? And let's say that your content was in the format. Not necessarily just the document, but it was perhaps something on your website, write some some particular findings that you had created or posted? In your content, even some of your course material, perhaps he created or even some digital material, such as, you know, on YouTube, things like that. How do you even scale to find something like that? There are many Google domains, not just, but Google dot , right? There's tons of Google domains around the planet. And so your content has this ability, digital content to grow legs, metaphorically. So how do you even scale to go find something like that? Certainly, you can do it once or twice, but then you run into pretty quickly that it's obviously very labor intensive. So as I mentioned, recently, this business owner had asked this question, and so what we did was we ran some AI to identify plagiarism candidates. And the result for this particular business owner was that there were over 150 sites which has some level of reference either to him or to his material. Now, the next step, typically that we see in these scenarios is to identify if the reference is a friend or a foe. Now and the AI indicates right, it says while it thinks it's plagiarism or Well, not sure if it's plagiarism, but definitely, definitely referring to and and some of your content. The key is, is that most AI and the way we should treat AI, at least my opinion is more like augmented intelligence, right? And so you still need to be involved and say, Well, okay, the AI estimated that right? Or no, you know, this actually looks like it's not a problem or situation. Now, in this particular case, about 40% of the sites turned out to be suspicious and required some level of pursuit to say, Hey, you know, you've taken my stuff, right. And, and, of course, the thing about this is this, this takes place on an ongoing basis. It's not like you run this once, and then you're done. It's that you run it, and then you pursue, and then oh, gosh, it grows more legs. And so you know, you're in it again, you continually have to chase these sorts of situations. So it's it's an ongoing sort of capability now, leveraging AI automation to monitor your content usage, especially this kind of scenario, right? work continues to, to expand and grow. And to find potential poachers, it's a great way to protect your business, right? It's kind of like a business content insurance is maybe a way to think about that. Now, interestingly, we found in some cases, the sites that are discovered, turned out to be friendly, and are actually referencing you. And this has been an interesting outcome, it translates into an unexpected good outcome in that scenario to where it actually allows you to build your network and discover new allies and partners that you may not have known about. So applying AI in this scenario is interesting, finds potential bad guys and also finds potential good guys, so it sort of draws a line in the sand. Now, while plagiarism, of course, may continue to grow in the online world, right, there are definitely some cool tools out there today to help you combat that. All right, everybody. Thanks for joining and until next time, get some AI protection for your content. Thank you for joining grant on ClickAI Radio. Don't forget to subscribe and leave feedback. And remember to download your FREE eBook visit now.