Fit 252: Training to failure-Find support-Why low carb diets fail


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Fit Girl Guide Podcast

Health & Fitness

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My opinion is that you don't have to go to failure all the time. Use it as a parameter like any other training protocol. How would you use it? You can alternate going to failure in exercises, sets, workouts or cycles. End an exercise regardless of the failure point if technique is about to be. compromised.   MOTIVATIONDo you know here to find the help and support you need to make your goals a reality? Make a list of the people, groups, websites, forums, apps or organizations whose help could be imperative to achieving your goals. Sometimes, a single person can give you an idea or inspiration to take the next step. Share in the comments or on the Facebook Page, what groups, forums, apps have helped you in your fitness goals.  NUTRITIONThere's plenty of reasons why low carb diets don't work for long term weight loss. Sure, in the beginning they work, just like most diets [aka- regimented eating plans].  There are a few little known or often overlooked reasons why low carb diets fail.  First of all you need carbs! Maybe not as many as you think, but you still need them. The amount of carbs you intake, the timing of carbs and the combining of carbs with other foods are three major things you must consider before severely restricting carbs.  Mistake #1: Not knowing your starting point of carbs and therefore going too low!  Simply cutting the average person's carb intake in half could be considered low-carb, but if you are overweight and your goal is fat loss, you most likely need to go a lot lower than 150 grams. BUT: This is where facts get twisted! A review in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests the 50 to 150 g/day range is too high for losing body fat in overweight, sedentary populations. When The AJCN defines a low-carb diet as less than 50 grams a day that was for sedentary, overweight folks—a population that is likely to have a degree of insulin resistance, inflammation, and a poor metabolism. They are NOT referring to active people who are lifting weights and working out regularly. Being this active, you would benefit from a higher carb intake (compared to the 50 grams), or from toggling/cycling carbs. If you are lean (or looking to lose 5-20 pounds) and active and drop carbs too low, you risk two major affects to your metabolism. 1. Reduced thyroid hormone which reduces the amount of calories burned at rest 2. Higher cortisol levels-When carb intake is very low, cortisol is released and Having elevated cortisol all the time causes inflammation, adrenal fatigue, and eventually metabolic problems.  Mistake #2 Eating too much protein and too little fat. A lower carbohydrate diet is going to need to be higher in protein as well as fat. How much protein do you really need? Is it dangerous to eat as much protein as you want? The answer is yes! Why it could be dangerous to overeat protein1. If you are restricting carbs but eat more protein than the body needs, some of the amino acids in the protein will be turned into glucose. This provides an energy source that may reduce the body’s ability to burn fat, thus slowing or stopping fat loss. 2. When eating high quantities such as 200-250 grams of protein a day,Your body has a hard time eliminating the byproducts of protein metabolism such as ammonia, which is toxic for the body. 3. Studies suggest that people who consume lots of protein, particularly animal protein, had fewer beneficial gut flora which leads to the production of inflammatory compounds and poor gut health. This, in turn, may play a role in:  inflammation, obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and liver health. There are plenty of other reasons why low carb is bad idea, but if you insist on doing it you need to know your starting point! There are plenty of apps to help you calculate and track nutrients. I like, and use, mynetdiary bc they track the time you eat and the protein grams. A lot of programs don't track those two. The biggest eye opener in analyzing any plateau such as lack of weight loss or an increase weight gained is logging your food! Drastic reduction of carbs is going to throw your body into a revolt and stagnate your weight loss, or worse, make you gain fat! Subscribe and get the full episode on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, iHeartMedia or download it below: Fit 252: Training to failure-Find support-Why low carb diets fail