Foxes Store


Listens: 0

Sydney Fashion House


Foxes Store | 561 Bourke St, Surry Hills

Foxes Store stocks limited edition pieces by local designers and has been supplying the Surry Hills fashionistas for nearly five years.

Three creative siblings form the basis for the store. Sean creates T-shirts, artwork and cards, Catriona sources spanish and indian footwear and Nike makes delectable bags and belts.

Welcome to our pilot podcast! So you'll have to forgive the bumps and glitches, we call that the learning process. We have a little chat with owners and designers the Carvers, and then try on some of their latest goods.

Featured designs of Episode 0: Xanadu, T-shirts by Sean Carver, Scorned by Their Mother, Lenny & Kate, Made, as well as Foxes bags and belts

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Credits for this one: Camera, Matt Venables, Sound David Henley, Hosts being Alice Grundy (Vigilante Fashionista) and Carrie Stone. Music by Monk Fly. Brought to you by Xou Pty Ltd