From $0 to $30k per Month in 90 Days or Less....


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Personal Brand Journey with Jamie M Swanson


Contact Jamie via DM on Instagram @jamiemswanson if you're interested in booking a Clarity Coaching Day. Episode Transcript: [00:00:00] I'm starting a brand new business with zero audience with a goal of getting to $30,000 per month. Within the first 90 days in today's episode, I'm going to share how I plan to do it and why it feels really doable at least what I'm not listening to my fear, but first check out the new podcast, branding and introduction. [00:00:22] At the end of June, I officially stepped away from the personal brand photography training business that I had been running for years after trying for several months to revive it after COVID hit, it was really a rough demise. If you want to hear. About the majority of it and how I handled that you can go back and listen in too. [00:01:13] But basically what I ended up doing, I was running a beta course on the bright future method that I had been basically doing. In my business. I'd just never taken the time to get it out of my head and teach it to others. And I did that in may and June with a handful, all of entrepreneurs to see if it would really work for them as well. [00:01:36] Not just for me. It gave me a ton of clarity. And how I wanted to move forward for the next few months, even though, while I was doing this beta course, I was also trying to keep my photography training business going, because I really believe that that industry is set up to be. Really profitable in the future. [00:01:59] More and more people are online than ever. But the reality was that photographers got hit really hard by COVID even now as I'm doing this a few months later, They're still trying to dig out of the hole. [00:02:12] And many of them still see the impact on their business because, you know, people don't want to be taking photos with masks on, in the photo. And there's just all sorts of stuff that make it very difficult for them. So if they aren't making money, very few of them are spending money. Some are just not at the rate that they were before. [00:02:31] And I saw some drop about 85%, which was. Just brutal. So I tried for about three and a half, almost four months to really revive that and bring it back. And I do believe that it's going to come back in the future, maybe six, 12 months down the line, but right now I can't afford to wait that long. So we're pivoting and I kind of saw this as a great opportunity to become more aligned in my business with who I am now, because when I started my online business, Almost 10 years ago now, which is just amazing to look back and think of, I was a totally different person than I am now. [00:03:08]And so even though this has been really not fun, really not fun to walk through. And if you have been going through it as well, you understand, even if your business is okay, you know how hard it's been on a personal level. So we're all struggling through this together. And even though it's been a really, really hard. [00:03:27] I feel this huge sense of excitement and freedom as to what can be in the future. And I know that one day I'm going to look back at this and see this as one of the best things that's ever happened, because it's allowing me to really do something that I'm super passionate about today. And it's allowing me to dive into helping people that I just love geeking out with. [00:03:50] And so anyways, all of that said, I'm very excited about it. And July 13th, It was the day that I was officially all in with my new business where I've stepped away, almost completely from the photography stuff. It's still there. It's still got some evergreen funnel running. [00:04:06] In terms of my time, everything is focused on the new business as of July 13th. And so my goal is to be making at least $30,000 a month within the first 90 days of July 13th. Now it took me a few years to have my first $30,000 month. When I was first starting my online business. This would have seemed like an unfair. [00:04:32] Fathomable goal for me back when I was first starting out online. So I wanted to share why I think now I can totally make that happen and what's different, right? Because I think you might get some benefit from hearing how I approach things differently. Now almost 10 years in. Versus how I did them when I was first starting out, or even had a few years of experience under my belt, but didn't fully understand what it took to be successful. [00:05:01], number one, I have way more. Clarity about what I want. And I created a step by step plan for getting me there. Okay. So first I know exactly what I want to sell. I am not selling $20 a month memberships, which would take 1500 people for me to get to $30,000 a month. [00:05:26] That's a lot of people to find and convinced to become buyers in 90 days. Like that is really hard. Instead, what I've decided to do is go higher end and do some coaching days. So I called these clarity coaching sessions and I'm charging at least at the time of this recording. $5,000 for clarity coaching day, where I walk through the big picture strategy with people, I help create a step by step plan. [00:05:56] That's going to help somebody who already has a business running, who already has a product, but really wants to sell a lot more of it. And aren't sure what they're missing. They don't have that confidence. They don't know what works or what's going to work best for them. And they're doing a little bit of that FOMO marketing, where they're trying one thing, and then they're trying another, and they're just really hoping that something sticks, right. [00:06:17] I can come in and use the expertise that I've gained in the last 10 years and help them create that step by step plan, but they can have full confidence in moving forward. And so that's, you know, I only need six people if it's $5,000 for a day and that's going to go up as demand increases. And that's going to go up as demand increases. [00:06:39]that's only six people a month to get to $30,000. Now that's way easier to find people, even if it's a higher price point, then to find 1500 people at a lower price point. that's really. A huge advantage coming out the gate. people get really concerned about price being just right. [00:06:58] And they're very afraid, especially early on that. If they price it wrong, nobody's going to buy. But what I've learned over the years that it's really not that much harder to sell a high ticket item than it is to sell a lower ticket item. If you know that what you have provides value really is going to get people results that make it worth the money you're charging. [00:07:19] Right. And so I find it much less daunting to get six people than to get 1500. Now I'm not going for, or direct recurring revenue yet it's coming right now. I just want to see some money coming in the door, and then I'm going to take some time as I work with people. To develop some sort of recurring revenue in my business as well. [00:07:39] I just don't know what people need most yet, or the best way to move forward with that in terms of what I want to offer. And so I'm spending a little time letting myself think about that, but eventually I want this to be recurring, not just one offs or six offs per month or whatever. But as I get demand growing and it's already started right away, which is really cool. [00:07:58] I do hope that I'll be charging 10,000, maybe even 15,000 or more per day for these clarity coaching days. But right now I feel like I can easily help people make their investment back several times over at the $5,000 price point. So that's where I've started it. [00:08:21] In addition to that, I also have the beta course that I did back in may and June. Now I'm not currently promoting that, like the thought of going in and setting up all the core stuff and doing a big launch for that felt. Heavy. And it felt slow compared to starting with the coaching days. And one of the things I wanted to do was really work one on one with more people right away to get a better sense for what is really going to help them get the transformation and progress they need in their business, so that I can go back and redo the bright future method again, with a new group of people in the future. [00:08:56] But have a better sense of how I can help them have a better sense of where the holes are and the gaps are. I already learned a lot with the current beta course and the people who were there from their feedback, it was super helpful. Like I would never just create a course or a membership out the gate without having done it with at least a handful of people first in a messier, but more authentic. [00:09:17] Like down and dirty kind of environment where you're learning together. And you're getting that direct feedback, because I know when I do put this out, it's going to be phenomenally amazing. That being said, the people in the course who went through it as a beta, there's about 15. Who've actively gone through it. [00:09:35] And a handful of more who've who've joined it, but haven't gone through all the material yet, but those people have been asking me. When they can invite their friends. And so I'm not doing big launch. I've got my own little wait list right now, but I am letting them share the link with their friends. [00:09:51] If they know somebody who really I could use it. So I could potentially get a little revenue from that on the backend as well at the moment. So that's another way that, you know, I could potentially bring money in [00:10:02] for the $30,000 per month that I'm hoping to make. Now not only do I have clarity on what I'm going to sell, I have the intentional strategy for how I'm going to book these coaching sessions and eventually relaunch the course myself. Okay. So number one, I've figured out where people are hanging out for me. [00:10:22] I know the people that I want to work with are listening to podcasts or reading. Or listening to books, that's where they get the majority of their information. Now, writing a book would take too long. So podcasting it is. And thankfully it is the medium that I love the best. This is my favorite way to make content. [00:10:40] So I'm really excited about that. I created a content plan that builds desire for my coaching days. So I'm not just here spewing out random things, whatever comes to mind. I have an intentional strategic plan for. Every single episode, and I know how to create content that builds desire for whatever it is I'm selling, whether it be coaching days, whether it be the bright future method that I've created. [00:11:07] I know how to make listeners. You really wish they had access to that. And it's, it's not anything manipulative. It's just in how you. Structure your content and messaging behind it. It's one of my little superpowers that I've found. I didn't even realize I was good at this, or how good at this I was until I went through this beta course and saw so many people seeing their messaging. [00:11:32] Really becoming strong and really starting to stand out from the crowd because they were putting in place some of the things that I was recommending and doing it in the ways that I was encouraging them to do that, using this bright future method. And I'll share a little hints of that coming up in one of the episodes in the next few weeks. [00:11:52] So watch for that. You're definitely going to want it. So everything's intentional. All my content is created. To build desire for the coaching day. And I'm keeping everything super simple, well enlight so I can implement it fast. I don't want to be spending a bunch of time building automated funnels right now. [00:12:10] I want to be bringing money in the door quickly, and I didn't want this to be heavy. The last few months have been very exhausting. Sure. Can you relate to this? Have you had a few, are you exhausted moments? Are you just feeling the fatigue yet? I know so many people are kind of at the end of their rope, especially with school restarting up here in the U S. [00:12:30] Soon or not. And all, it's just, it's a crazy mess. It's a crazy mess. And we are all exhausted Austin, including myself. And so I wanted this to be as light and simple, as easy as possible. So it's literally as easy as contacting me. Having a little chat to see if this is actually a good fit for both of us and then booking the date for the clarity coaching call. [00:12:52] If it is a good fit for people, it's about as simple as a funnel can get. And I am all about keeping things simple in my right now. And then. I'm also doing absolutely everything with intention. I'm not doing anything without knowing exactly how it's going to help either build desire for my product, get people to buy or help them get better results and want to share it with the people that they know who need it. [00:13:16] Right. So I'm definitely one of the big, you know, differences since I started out, is that everything now is intentional. I know why I'm doing every little thing that I'm doing. I also know now that it's not about the tactics, it's more about the big picture strategy. When I was first starting out, I get really concerned about all the little details, like what software do you use and how do you do this? And all those little things. They don't really matter, you know, like they're just the things that we use to keep us from moving forward. Our fear latches on all little details, because were afraid of putting ourselves out there. [00:13:55] So it's much easier to hem and haw and worry about getting the color exactly right on your landing page or what platform should you use to. Deliver your content or any of these things that, yeah, you've got to make a decision about it. It doesn't really matter when you understand the bigger strategy and what's going on and have the messaging nailed down. [00:14:20] All those little things. They're just a waste of time and your fear attaches to them. Just not letting myself care about that. I'm making it as simple as possible. And I just make a decision and move forward and don't worry about it. Doesn't have to be the best. It just has to be effective. [00:14:34] Just has to work. That's all that matters. I also have learned that every single part. Is intentionally designed. So I'm not wasting time on stuff that isn't actually going to get me results. So not only do I have an intentional strategy, but I've sifted through and said, what other ones that can get me there, the fastest and the easiest, because I need money. [00:14:56] Like, I'm just going to call it like it is when your income drops 85%. It is really devastating. I mean, I've had to cut my team way back. We've had to cut back on a ton. One of other things, this is our only income. So having had that decrease so much has really caused us to make some difficult decisions. [00:15:17] So partly we just need some money coming in. So I want it to be as fast and easy as possible. I can't afford. To wait. That's part of why I'm not launching the course right away is because yes, I could redo the beta course and I, I absolutely love the bright future method I've done or that I've put together in the beta course. [00:15:36] And I know that it's super effective, but. I want to get some money coming in now, and then I will shift to that because that's just what we need to do in terms of cashflow. I know what's going to work now and what's fast versus what takes more time and it's something I should focus on next. I'm very good about filtering all that down. [00:15:54] That's something you learn with experience. And then. The other thing, and this is a really big one, in terms of really having clarity is that I've become very good at learning. What's a real limiting belief. That's holding me back versus what a legitimate issue is in the marketplace. I think. The first few years I was held back more by the limiting beliefs that I didn't even realize were limiting beliefs. [00:16:22] Then by legitimate issues, it was all in my head. And I had to become somebody who was both aware of the limiting beliefs that would surface when they came up. But also was bold enough to move past them and not let that hold me back. So for example, part of the reason I stuck with trying to revive the photography training stuff for so long was that I didn't want to, like, I wasn't sure if the, my idea of this being really. [00:16:51] You know that it was legitimately the fact that photographers didn't have money or if it was another thing that was actually causing the drop in sales. So part of me is like, that could be a limiting belief. Like maybe that's not true. So how can I continue moving forward? What would be the best thing to do right now? [00:17:08] If this is a limiting beliefs that, Oh, they don't have money right now. Because maybe they do, maybe they've got a spouse. Maybe they want to invest in training right now. Maybe that's just a story I'm telling myself. And so I did all the things, assuming that was just a story. And then I watched the outcome from that. [00:17:26] And I, you know, I talked with a lot of the colleagues that I have in the industry and pretty much across the board, everybody was seeing the same thing. And the things that I know work just were not working in. The feedback I was getting from people was literally because of money and because they didn't know if they could even book and work with clients because all the restrictions are training. [00:17:46] So because all the restrictions been changing so frequently, and it was really hard to keep up with all of it. So when you can tell what a limiting belief is, it's just a story you're telling yourself, versus what reality is. It really helps you move forward much faster. So getting clarity on all those things is really key. [00:18:06] Okay. So clarity, that was a big thing. Clarity and clarity on strategy, all that stuff we just talked second is that I am fully, fully and alignment and owning my decision now. There is no internal dissonance about my business model. I love what I'm doing. There's nothing that I'm doing from a sense of obligation because I think I should, or because I think that's how it has to be done to work. [00:18:32] I am like. Fully in with this. And it took me a while to figure out what I could really own completely, like I wanted to do coaching, but I had all of these fears about it. Like, will people actually hire me all the stuff? How can I find people when I've been working with photographers and this isn't for photographers, this is for entrepreneurs who have a product, a service, a course, a membership, something that they're selling on the line. [00:18:58] That I can help them really grow faster. How will I find these people? How will they know that they can trust me in that their investment is going to not only pay for itself, but it's going to pay for itself several times over. So I had a lot of limiting beliefs behind it, but once I really said, you know what, no, I really do want to do this. [00:19:17] I want to own this. I want to overcome my fears. This is what I want to do. It was so easy . To just own it and go all in and start seeing results. Like literally within the first two weeks, I was booking clarity coaching days, which is amazing, but I didn't have any interest in that or from other people before that I had to own that I needed to like. [00:19:39] Fully embrace it and say, this is who I am. This is what I'm doing. And this is how I'm going to do this, but not only was it aligned with what I wanted, it's aligned with the greater purpose that I feel is part of my life. I really want to empower entrepreneurs to empower their audiences and customers and make real change in the world. [00:20:04] I don't just want to help people make money. Yes, I think that's great. Money can help you make a greater impact on the world, but I want to work with people who want to make a difference and know that their businesses. Or one of the best ways that they can have a greater impact on the world, especially if they're empowering their people to help them make that deeper impact and grow the movement around their businesses. [00:20:28] It's so exciting. And I'm so, so excited about how impact full that can be and how much. just how much change and transformation they can come. If I'm working with people who have audiences, who they can empower, if I can empower them to empower their people, like now it starts to multiply in ways that I could never do alone. [00:20:50] The number of people who can be reached and impacted and transformed and the number of ways in which they can be transformed and the world can become this brighter future place is so much greater than if it was just me. So I really feel a hundred percent behind this. I'm so excited about the potential that this has to leave a greater impact on the world. [00:21:13] And that drives me far more. Then just making money to make my life more comfortable. There's nothing wrong with having money. Money is an amplifier. If you're a good person, more money is just going to allow you to do more good in the world. If you're a crappy selfish, entitled person, more money is just going to make you more crappy, more selfish, more entitled, right? [00:21:32] So we choose how we're going to present in the world. And I get really excited about helping other amazing people who have big hearts who want to see real change in the world to make more money. So that can be amplified and just made bigger in the world that, that lights me up. And frankly, when you fully own something, it works like it really works. [00:21:56] Like I said, as I'm recording this right now, I'm just shy of $10,000 after only three weeks of fully making this shift and owning. This new business model for me, which is really exciting. So it works. And then the third thing that I have now that I didn't have when I was starting out. So first was clarity and strategy. [00:22:18] Second was fully, fully being aligned with what I'm doing and owning every part of it. Like there's nothing that I don't feel comfortable with. The third thing is confidence. What I'm offering is absolutely going to make people way more money than I'm charging. And I'm only going to take clients that I know without a shadow of a doubt, I can help. [00:22:42]I will not. Book somebody with me, if I do not fully believe that they're going to make their money back and make it back fast, as soon as they implement what they've learned from me. I'm not second guessing myself. I know that this is going to work. [00:22:54] And so I just, I rely on that. I have confidence in that. I know when I'm fully aligned, when I've got that step by step plan, when I am speaking the right language and my messaging is on that people are going to book me. It's just a matter of showing up at day after day, consistently at the same frequency and doing the work, bringing the message it's it's patient. [00:23:17] And yes, there are absolutely things we can do to grow faster. But I'm not going to be like, Oh, maybe I should do this. And maybe I should do that. And maybe I should go do Instagram, or maybe I should start a tech talk and maybe I should do whatever. Like there's no formal marketing in me. I am not hopping from one thing to the next hoping something sticks. [00:23:35] I've created a plan that fully aligns with who I am that I absolutely know will work. And now I just need to execute it. And having that confidence is really contagious. You know, like when, you know, you can get results for your people. It's so easy to help them see that too. Like if, if I'm talking to you, okay, so you personally, you, you might lovely listener. [00:23:59] Who's listening to this right now. If I came to you and we talked about your business and I could say, yeah, I am absolutely can help you make the investment that you would pay me back. You know, when you implement this and maybe, you know, maybe it's not tomorrow, cause it might take you a couple of weeks to implement whatever, but I can help create that strategy that will get you there. [00:24:20] So you're not second guessing why this isn't working. You're not wondering if it's really you, you know, I can shine a light on some of the limiting beliefs that maybe you're holding inside yourself and we can create a plan that's customized to you because let's face it. There are a thousand ways to do this and then work like you can do it in any way you want to do it. [00:24:40] But if it's not aligned with who you are, If you don't have confidence in it, and you don't have clear charity around the strategy for doing it and you just hop all over the place, that is absolutely a recipe for failure. And it's not because you don't have it in you to do this. It's just that you don't have that clarity. [00:24:56] You don't have that plan and it's not fully aligned with you maybe, or maybe you don't have that confidence. that's a problem, like if you don't have confidence, if you don't truly no, that you can get. Transformation and results for your, and that your stuff works in your uncertain, or maybe you wouldn't pay the prices that you're charging for something like that. [00:25:18] And so you're like, Oh my gosh, why would anyone do this? Because I would never pay for this. You're going to sell from your heels. Right. Even if you don't say it out loud, you're buying language is going to say, I'm not sure if this is worth it. And so that person is not going to work with you. They're not going to hire you. [00:25:34] And they're not going to buy you stuff. If you don't have full confidence in what you're selling. And if you aren't really aligned with what you're doing, Of course, it's not going to work because I mean, they're probably just going to say it's too expensive or I didn't need it or whatever. They're not going to see the value, but when you have that, it's so contagious. [00:25:52] It's so contagious. And I have a little bit of confidence, so I have. A lot of confidence, cause I know it's going to work. Like I just, I know I've, this is the difference between Jamie now versus Jamie 10 years ago. And I was starting my thing and I didn't have, you know, 10 years of proven experience and have tried a bajillion different things to really understand what works and what doesn't. [00:26:17] And what's really important. And what's not now. I mean, big picture stuff. That is my jam. I am a Visionaire, I'm a strategist, I'm a commuter unity builder, and I am really good at messaging. And so those things all combined together to give me a lot of confidence that I can. Have created a plan, a big picture plan, and I know where everything fits into the plan and what its purpose is. [00:26:42] So I'm not wasting time, which frankly really important to a mom with six kids like me to make sure that the little bit of time I do have to work is fully leveraged and I'm not wasting it on something that doesn't. So, you know, having done that for the last 10 years has meant I've had to learn what works and what doesn't. [00:26:59] So yeah. Confidence is absolutely there. So this is why today, even though I'm starting over fully believe that I can go from zero to $30,000. Per month in 90 days or yes, you're right. I've got that clear strategy. It feels so light and easy to me. I know I can get people results that are worth far more than what I'm charging and I've got complete confidence in the process. [00:27:27] So now it's just a matter of putting the strategy into place and making it happen. So if you're listening to this right now and you're thinking, man, I don't have that confidence. I don't have that strategy. I don't know what works or not. You know, maybe it's me. Maybe, maybe I've got these limiting beliefs that are holding me back that I don't even realize are there. [00:27:48] And if you've already got a product or a membership or a course that has sold and is getting your customers results, you don't have to do this alone. I would love to help you. I work with bright entrepreneurs who not only want to make a profit, but want to make a real impact in the world with their business. [00:28:09] And I'd love to help you do that if that's you. So if you want to stop second guessing yourself, and if you want to have that step by step plan for growing your business, that's fully customized to be light and easy for who you are. So it's fully aligned. Simply check out the show notes and get my contact information. [00:28:27] Send me a message and let me know that you're interested. All my details will be down there. Eventually I'll have some fancy landing page, but like I said, super simple right now, I'm not worrying about the details. I'm just putting my contact info in the show notes. So if I have any open spots, when you listen to this. [00:28:43]we'll set up a free 30 minute call. Well, where I will ask skew a bunch of questions about your business, really, to help you discover where you should be focused just in your business right now, and find out if I can help you reach your goals. If we both feel like it's a good fit, we'll schedule a clarity coaching day. [00:28:59]With each other, and then we'll create a step by step strategy for you to follow, to grow your business and your impact in the world. So head on over to the show notes, send me a message. And if you're new around here, by the way, and found this helpful. Please right now, it would mean so much to me, if you would subscribe to the podcast. [00:29:20] So you don't miss any future episodes, plus it would mean a ton. If you took a moment to leave a review, both of those things really helped me grow the podcast. And it's such a nice, easy way to say thank you for what you've learned. So here's what I know. My friends, we are brighter together. The world. [00:29:39] Needs us. The impact that can happen is so much greater when we go out there and we live our best lives and we grow our businesses. If that's what we feel called to do. So let's go out and make it brighter.