Helping Men Work on Themselves


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Women are often at a loss for how to help a man in their life to begin to work on themselves. Their efforts can be met with him becoming defensive, shutting her out, or even aggression. Most men struggle to open up about their situation and struggles, so this discussion needs to be done with care. You’re not going to get a man to do anything by forcing him, giving him an ultimatum, or going in guns blazing because this feels like an attack and will provoke a defensive state of mind. In order for emotions to be processed, we need to be out of a state of fight or flight.Feminine energy is often resisted by men, but it is key to understanding and processing emotions. We are not masculine, or feminine, we are a balance of both. Learning to become fluid in these energies will allow men to open themselves up to more joy from life. If you want your partner to work on themselves, you need to learn how to balance your energies. If they are closed off or defensive, use your femininity to hold space for them and allow them to open up.I hope you enjoy this episode. If you would like to dive deeper into the chakras with me, contact me via instagram or email: