HJDL8: Management


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What is management? In this week's episode, Morris and Sergio discuss personal task management, management in corporate environments, no fewer than ten different genres of management tools, and our personal experiences with managing different types of organizations. Show NotesStand-up meeting (Wikipedia), featuring the wonder graphic captioned “A stand-up in the computing room”GeekbotAgile software development (Wikipedia)Scrum (software_development) (Wikipedia)Extreme programming (XP) (Wikipedia)Test-driven development (TDD) (Wikipedia)Behavior-driven development (BDD) (Wikipedia)Lean software development (Wikipedia)Kanban (development) (Wikipedia)JIRA Software (Atlassian)AsanadapulseGantt chart (Wikipedia)Wardly Maps: Topographical intelligence in businessThe Art of WarYou Are Here: Personal Geographies and Other Maps of the Imagination by Katharine Harmon (YouTube), one of Morris’ favorite books:-)CloudcraftOKRMorris’ MacBook - quite fast, silent operation, and surprisingly cheap to buy used.Manifestación on Wikipedia (Spanish) is linked to Demonstration (protest) on Wikipedia (English)Quakers