How Obesity in Children is Progressing in Mexico


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Center for Advanced Studies (CAS) Miscellanea (LMU) - SD


Obesity has increased overwhelmingly over the last years. Especially in Mexico the amount of people being overweight or adipose has grown more than in any other countries: Seventy percent of all Mexicans are fat or adipose. Especially for children the situation is alarming. Obesity in childhood will lead to severe consequences like diabetes, hypertrigliceridemia and hypertension later in life. | Salvador Villalpando ist Direktor am Zentrum für Ernährungs- und Gesundheitsforschung am Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública in Cuernavaca, Mexiko. Im Sommersemester 2015 hält er sich als Visiting Fellow am CAS auf. | Center for Advanced Studies LMU: 09.06.2015 | Speaker: Prof. Salvador Villalpando, Ph.D. | Moderation: Prof. Dr. Berthold Koletzko