How to be creative with mindfulness


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Mindfulness for Wellbeing and Positive Mental Health: Music, Words and Practice


Mindfulness practice can and does help you to be creative. To be creative with mindfulness is actually upside down, as mindfulness allows you to be creative. Strange as it may seem by sitting and doing nothing on purpose you can actually open up the channels of your creativity. The clever linear scientific rational mind, is great and getting it from A to B, but not so good In being creative on how we get there and how much we enjoy the journey getting there. There is an old saying 'It's not arriving at your destination that is important but it's the journey along the way that matters'. Linear thinking is always focused on the destination. However, if we are more creative and encompassing, fluid and open to the journey, then we might find we enjoy the journey more. For life is the journey. If you are constantly thinking that your life is the thing which will happen to you in the end. Then you just missed your life.You lost your creative spirit.Instead of life you may just have had a load of thoughts, of expectations, wants, desires, disappointments, let downs and confusions. For you see the brain is very clever at setting goals, linear goals like:  I will be happy when...I reach the other side of that mountain, when I get to the greener grass on the other side, when I got my degree, when I have more money, when I have the perfect partner, the perfect house, the perfect hair, the perfect pair of shoe. But have you noticed  even when you get those perfect shoes it only last a brief time. That sense of fulfilment and pleasure and joy  is gone in a few hours, days, or a week. All because it is dependent on the feeling of pleasure we get from succeeding with want we want. As soon as that has come and gone we have to do it again and look for more things to fill that empty void within us. You need to be more creative. Maybe you haven't really enjoyed your journey at all. Dissatisfaction comes from not appreciating what we have now. Being  Creative allows us to delve into the moment, to reach different aspects of the same, and come up with new and varied and exciting opportunities within which to enhance enrich and our lives.  For instance your most creative when you are relaxed. As a result of not trying, it all just happens. Those insights you needed, that extra bit of zooph, will suddenly appear as if from nowhere, magically there to support you. Generally we try, we try too hard,and we are not creative,  we get tired, we get confused, and then we just go off for some distraction. It's easier not to try, not to be creative, just go along for the ride. But it doesn't lead to a fulfilled life. With these mindfulness practices I'm sharing with you, they will change the structure of your brain. You will build new neural pathways, new ways of doing things, see things differently, and become naturally more creative. You will not have to try to become creative, however, you will have to take notice when you're in distraction. The new wave of becoming being in the present soon builds. Focusing in the present relieves your mind from distraction and opens it to the possibilities of now. It's not what you do it's the way that you do it, it's not what you say it's the way that you say it, it's not what you think it's the way that you think it. Change the way you think, make more space in your mind, be more present, and you will become more creative. This takes the journey on a winding twisting wobbling route not just a quick zip between a and b, filling your life with chance, creativity, excitement, adventure and fullness. The beginning of this journey is now this moment this day this breath. Enjoy.