052 How to Breakthrough Our Conditioned Beliefs – Nicole Jansen


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The Job Lab Podcast


Nicole is the founder of Discover the Edge, a training and development company that works with entrepreneurs and business teams to bring out their full potential and maximize results. A human behavior specialist and business breakthrough coach, Nicole finds fulfillment in helping others hone their skills and talents to become the best possible workers and leaders. For a mirror image of this episode, check out episode 22 of Nicole’s podcast Leaders of Transformation where she interviews Nick! In this episode, Nicole discusses how you can get yourself back on your feet if you’re feeling in a funk, how entrepreneurship requires its own mindset, and how we can increase our happiness and productiveness by changing the beliefs of ourselves and others. THE FINER DETAILS OF THIS EPISODE: (2:20) - Nicole chats about the chapter she wrote for the recently released book Power Up, Super Women. (3:30) - Discussing the “primary lie” we learn as children and how it shapes us, including Nicole’s own issues struggling with self-worth. (9:38) - Debunking the myth that self-worth issues can only stem from an unhappy childhood or poor home life. (16:45) - Three tips for modeling better behavior and avoiding instilling unworthy feelings in the people who look up to us. (22:44) - The entrepreneur mindset and where Nicole sees people get tripped up by their conditioned beliefs. (33:12) - Nicole endures Rapid Fire and makes her case for Nelson Mandela as a dinner date. (36:40) - Nicole’s parting piece of advice and a special offer for Transform U listeners (see Guest Resources). TWEETABLES: “We have the ability to change how we see ourselves, how we see others, and how we see the world around us.” “A lot of people who are high achievers are actually trying to outrun the idea of them being not good enough and being a failure.” “If you base your identity and you base your worthiness on external results, you’ll be on a rollercoaster ride your whole life.” “Change your words, change your focus, change your state.” “There’s a difference between having a team, and having a whole bunch of individuals working under one roof.” Guest Resources: Discover the Edge - http://www.discovertheedge.com/ Power Up, Super Women - http://www.discovertheedge.com/products/powerupsuperwomenbook/ Special Resources for Transform U listeners - http://www.discovertheedge.com/transformu/ Leaders of Transformation podcast - http://leadersoftransformation.com/ Resources: Website - https://www.nickjmurphy.com Buy Unboxed - https://www.nickjmurphy.com/unboxedbook Get the Unboxed audiobook for free - https://www.nickjmurphy.com/unboxedbook/audiobook/ Follow Nick J. Murphy on Social: LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/nickmurphy Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/nick_j_murphy Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/njmstrategy/ Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/nick_j_murphy