How to move to Remote Work and Career Breaks with Cali O'Connors The Travel Shifters


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Weekly Woman


Cali O'Connor is a recovering corporate hustler.  She didn’t realize it, but she was addicted to hard work and the praise that came along with it. The praise fueled the self-induced stress spiral which ultimately led to a breaking point. Until this point she was distracted by her achievements within the company, but a day didn’t go by without wishing she was somewhere else. She couldn’t see herself continuing on this trajectory, she couldn’t see a position in this company where she’d be happy (despite 4 promotions in 3 years), she needed A BREAK.  So she left and pursued the ONLY thing she cared about. World travel. For 2.5 years.   For the first time in her life she felt like she was doing what she was supposed to be doing. She will never forget the feeling that overcame her from her window seat on her flight to Nairobi...  So she started The Travel Shifters to help others do the same, to leave the corporate world, or at least their desks behind, and take the road less traveled, a life of adventure and loving what you do!  We're talking to her about starting her company, her world travels, and living in Mexico.