Interview with Ali Zahid (Vanhawks)


Listens: 0 : Entrepreneurs Talks with Founders Sharing Their Real Startup Stories


Ali's Startup Story (Interview Highlights): Ali tells us how the idea for his smart bike was born out of the old saying "necessity breeds invention"! Ali gives us his pitch and explains what's so special about his smart bike Valour From the Eureka moment to product development. Getting the right people on board was the key. Vanhawks experience of crowdfunding - how Kickstarter campaign helped their market research and product development. Pricing! Ali shares his experience of this delicate balancing act! Ali gives us tips on how a time strapped startup can make the best use of its time. Ali's 3 key things he wishes someone had told him starting out! The personal sacrifices of the entrepreneur! But hang in there, it's worth it!