Into The Wild W/ Adrian Alvarez


Listens: 0

Trio 5


Key Takeaways From This EpisodeNever be afraid of attempting to live the life or  be scared of the experiences that you think you want in this world , every moment even this one is a chance for you to continue or start to live the life  that you want. Adrian had a really cool story about his experience recently around sky diving & how he is basically still riding that high from that jump, whats stopping you from seeking your high?This rock that we all inhabit  collectively is much much more than just a rock, its a pretty fascinating & complex one at that. Earth now & always will still need our help in terms of its preservation , just about everything we need in this is already on here but its up to all of us to make sure it stays this way, luckily as a society we are becoming more aware & conscious about our carbon footprint. Beautiful sites like Zion & Yosemite wont continue to be possible if we  dont tap into whats important when it comes to preserving Earth. Take a moment to do the things that are going to help you feel more human, a lot of the times it can truly be as simple as going outside & connecting with nature for just a few moments. Allow yourself to comeback down to earth & be mindful of all carbon forms of life & inanimate things around you, center yourself see how that works out for you..