Introducing Smorgasbord


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Religion & Spirituality

This episode of The JCast Journey, also serves as the first episode of Smorgasbord. In this episode, host Darone Ruskay talks about his experience recently at a lecture and a conversation he had afterwards. While sitting at the lecture he wondered where a lecture like that one, could fit into JCast Network. And then afterwards, he spoke with someone who wanted to blog on JCast Network, but didn’t feel like he could take on a solo blog, but would prefer a group blog. After thinking about both experiences, Darone decided it was time to launch “Smorgasbord”. Smorgasbord will be a podcast of “one-offs” interesting lectures, conversations, essays, interviews… Things that are not ready for their own podcast (although they may become one over time) but are important and interesting, and should be shared with the larger community.