Is it Realistic to Think You Can Have Whatever You Want?


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Waking Up to Magic


"Oh that’s too much. I can’t have that. That’s not realistic."Cool and also very random story.  Sometimes when Source speaks to you, it's not always logical.  Right before I recorded this video, I had a random thought of getting married at a castle in Ireland. Now, this is neither logical (because I was not engaged) nor a thought I had ever had prior to this moment.But I instantly heard myself say, "oh that's too much."Wait what? Too much for who? Too much for what? I instantly grabbed my journal to dig into this thought.Too much is exactly the same as not enough.There is no definition. Its completely objective. There is no hard line of existence. We (humans) kind of draw our own line of what we deem as "too much" or "not enough."  Telling ourselves, this is what I'm allowed to have. This amount is appropriate or this amount is not. What you decide is too much or not enough hovers right around what you think you deserve. And it is currently what you are experiencing in life. Ready to put the spiritual + practical work into action? Join me in my 2 week intensive: Divinely Transformed Are you wildly obsessed with your life?If not, then some thing needs to change. Who said we can’t have it all?This is the time to stop fighting against yourself and illuminate your gifts to create the life you truly want. Be done with “should” and “have to.What do you desire for your life?What do you want most?Within this program, you will go through a complete transformation process. Shedding the old identity which no longer serves you and stepping into an entirely new light. Inside, we are combining the practical + mindset + spiritual to create lasting transformation. And the best part? You will be able to use this over and over again. Ready to be Divinely Transformed? Join me: hang out with me! Follow me on:Instagram @marli_ansel my private Facebook group: