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Lesbians are Miracles


It’s that phenomenon every lesbian everywhere has experienced: You’re at the only dyke bar in your town, and your ex-girlfriend walks in holding hands with your ex-girlfriend before her. Or you’re out celebrating Pride and immediately run into at least three people you’ve slept with. Or you start hanging out with a new group of friends and soon realize you’ve all hooked up with that same Sapphic scenester. No matter what you want to call it—One Degree of Separation; Same 50 Dykes; The Chart 2.0—it’s undeniable that the lesbian community is a concentrated one, and on most days you can’t swing a dead cat (sorry, cats!) without hitting a woman you’ve at least made out with. If you know what it’s like to live with this constant feeling of dyke-ja-vu, then sit back, crack open your favorite beverage, and get ready to RELATE.