It Isn't What You Know That Makes Knowledgeable and Rigorous; It iI in The Type Of Mistakes That You Don't Make


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TheDutyLife's podcast


When we look at even, we tend to look at causes that are visible to us, we don’t look at the cemetery, meaning the things that are not obvious and salient to us. Yes history tend to kill a lot of information that was not deemed relevant at the time. Just as if you want know the causes to become multimillionaire –you will hear beautifully well-crafted and compelling words of self-appointed consultants and experts, data scientists purport that risk taking and working hard are necessary. After all, almost all rich people took risk and work hard. But it doesn’t mean that taking risk and working hard make you successful unless if you take the cemetery of bankrupt people and force them to write their biography, you will discover that that they share the same traits. Therefore Taking risk and working hard are necessary to become rich and also a source to become bankrupt. And you only see the winners, not the losers- hence Hence History is written by the winners not by the losers The answer here is simple and easy. A system with small mistakes doesn’t have a high ration of bankruptcies. Why? Most people outthere are unconditionally afraid of failure without  conditioning what type of system they are in or what type of failure it is “Remember 2 types of mistake” Fourth most experts and consultants out there selling programs of how to get rich quick scheme by conflating benefit with absence of risk. Another of saying it is mistaking absence of evidence for evidence of absence. Just like discussing growth without concern for fragility: like studying construction without thinking of collapses. Think like engineer not like an expert who gives you prediction (hence knowledge which turn out to be fragile). Warren Buffett put it this way “you cannot succeed if you cannot survive”, hence first and foremost you must build a robust system. Yes Business Robust Strategic will not be release by the beginning of February but by the end of January 2017.  Life isn't about getting predictions "right"; it is about knowing how to navigate the environment and controlling it. This by the way is title of the next podcast