Lesson Ideas for Your Students In Class and Online


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Afterpiece: A Podcast about Educational theatre


We want to invite you to be part of our new online community. Annie and I have created an online Professional Learning Community just for theatre educators called EdTC. The Educational Theatre Community. We post, answer polls and questions, write down ideas, join events, and direct message each other. These things make this community richer and more valuable for each of us. For $35 per month you will get Receive one professional development session each month. Receive access to a Health & Wellness for Theatre Educators Webinar each month. Receive access to our two most popular professional development courses. Find a little inspiration, thought-provoking conversations, and expert perspective each and every day. Get access to lesson plans, activities, and directing techniques. Weekly Live Q&A Online Happy Hours https://community.educationaltheatreconsultants.com/share/tiGEdrfoXa7z-Ora?utm_source=manual   Our February PD will be Sunday, February 21, at 7 pm CST. If you want to join us, you can take a trial fun for a few days. Check the Show notes for links! www.EducationalTheatreConsultants.com