LFTE 29: Creating Your Dream Customer...


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Learning From The Experts


What is going on, guys? Hey, this is Colton woods. Come back to you with another episode from learning from the experts. Um, now today's gonna be a little bit different. So I'm recording on the podcast. Uh, so I got my mic here and recorded on the podcast mic, but I'm also recording on a video so I can throw something up here on YouTube. Um, so you guys, if you want to see a little bit more, what I'm talking about, you can, you can come on in the YouTube channel and check it out there. Um, but I'm gonna do my best to make it so you don't necessarily have to, but if you'd like to, you can. Um, so today something's been on my mind and I actually went live in a different group, kind of about this a little bit in depth here. And it's, I don't know, it's blowing my mind, how many people are not doing this.   Like, it blows my mind how many people don't have this figured out and they're in business and they think they're going to be successful. They may be fairly successful, but then like, they, they, they could be so much more if they just understood these things. So I want to go through it. I want to explain it. I'm definitely going to be writing here on the video. I'm going to be showing some stuff as I pull in my iPad feeds. So I can like write down and show you where I'm at. But, uh, for the podcast, hopefully you guys will be able to just, you know, understand it from where I'm speaking. But anyway, so welcome to this episode. Um, let's go ahead and get started. Now, if you guys follow Steve Larson at all, um, you'll know, he talks about the three core markets. Now, when I say three core markets, there are literally three markets that anybody, any business sells into. Um, and those three markets being, let me, uh, I'm going to be writing this. So it might be a little bit of lag on the podcast. Sorry about that guys. Um, so the three core markets, literally it's health, wealth, and relationships.   Now, what does that mean? Um, essentially what that means is whatever you sell needs to fit in one of those three core markets. And if you are not, if your message or your messaging, uh, for whatever you're selling, doesn't fit into those three core markets, then you're doing something wrong. You've, you're, you're yeah. Typically any pretty much everything fits in there anyway. Um, most people may even be doing it and not realizing it. If they didn't know what three core markets were. Now, these three core markets, this is like the sum of all business right here. Um, so health, like there's a ton of health products. There's a ton of wealth products and there's a ton of relationship products. Um, and example of those, I absolutely love Steve Larson's, um, example of the Gillette razor when he came up, that one, his genius. Um, so he talks about how like Gillette razors, you would think that they're in like the health market, you know, like it's Oh, healthy.   You want to make yourself looking better, whatever it may be. Um, but in reality, they're actually in the relationships market, which is interesting because every time you see a commercial from them, um, after the dude's like done shaving his face off and looking all clean and like slick, some lady comes up behind him and just like fills his face up, you know? So like they're selling relationships like, Hey, if you get this razor, you're gonna be able to find, you know, a girl or your wife is going to love you more, whatever it may be, your girlfriend's going to be, um, won't be able to keep her hands off. You know what I mean? So like, that's exactly what they're selling, but it's a razor, like you wouldn't think razors would fit into one of those three core markets, but they do. And the reason we bring that up is because you may not think, Oh, my product doesn't fit.   One of those three markets it's possible that you may think that, but the reality is can it's all messaging. Um, yeah, there's some really good stories that I'm like, uh, I just thought of another one that I wasn't really thinking of before, but, um, some good old school marketers, uh, Steve talks a lot about our Lasker. Um, and now I'm trying to think of the other guy and I can't think of his name. Yup. Anyway, they're amazing like a dove soap, one that if you went to any of the offer mind, um, events from Steve in the past, well, I guess last one, um, in 2019, he talked about dove soap. Um, and the messaging behind that was it's, it's super genius on that one. It's not so it's lotion, like it's literally not soap. Like they literally say it's not soap the whole time, even though it literally is soap.   Like, but it's not soap it's soap, but it isn't. Um, the messaging is so key on that. They're actually selling, I would say even relationships in there because it's like, yeah, health actually. Um, that's interesting. Like, Oh my, my, um, it moistens my skin and I feel better and better. Like, and then it talks even about how like, um, one of the ads is like, it's awesome. She's like I was going to go out with my girlfriends. And, um, I got in the bath and dove, slipped in with me. And I ended up spending the entire day with dove. I'm like, I have to tell all my friends about it, you know, like it's super funny. Um, so anyway, it's soap, but it fits in one of those three. Yes. A lot of different soaps can fit into health, but you can also make it relationships thing.   Um, old spice sells soap and it's all about like ax is probably the best acts. I forgot about acts. They're probably the best example of like, yeah. Trying to get relationships from your soap. So hopefully that's kind of a little bit of a, an idea of what these three core are. Now, if you're trying to sell your product specifically, or I guess generally in this market, one of these three markets you're missing the Mark here. Um, you don't necessarily want to sell directly into this huge ocean, um, of, of all these different products and people. Now we talk about how those three oceans are like the re or those three markets are like a red ocean. Like there's so many sharks in there. There's so many people just trying to sell their stuff in there that they're like just eating each other. So there's just blood all through the water cause everybody's killing each other.   So you don't want to be in those three markets like selling directly into it. You want to, you want to, you want to go a couple deep and if you're watching on the YouTube video, you'll see this, but I'll try to explain it for the podcast. Excuse me. Um, well you want to do is like, so for the race relationships, health, and wealth, uh, whatever your product may need or whatever it's going to be. So like for me, we sell a lot of keto stuff. So if I go to the next, if I go down and if you've ever heard of like niching down, this is kind of that idea there, you want to find your pocket of your, or your smaller market of people who are looking for your product, but your, and you can position it in a way that seems different than the rest of the markets.   So you're creating your own market essentially, um, or finding a current market that's small enough that you can actually pivot and sell into. Ah, there's so many different ways, but I'll explain a little bit here. So, um, the Quito market is fairly huge. Like if I were to just, if I were to get on ad words and do nothing but paver ads where I'm talking, or I'm trying to get people on Quito where I'm like, Hey, you're doing keto by this stuff. Like anybody who searches, just the general word Quito, I'm going to spend a ton of money, trying to get them to come find my stuff because keto is going to be an expensive keyword. I mean that, that's a hot topic. That's a really big market. Now, the chances of me finding somebody who searches Quito, um, sorry about that. Uh, I thought I'd turned notifications off. So anybody that searches the word Quito,   It's going to be expensive cause it's a huge market. But if I were to go like, um, Quito for, I mean it's a little bit small. So if we go down and I find a smaller market, I'm going to try to make this seem a little bit more realistic here. If I try to find a smaller market, um, one thing like we were doing was, um, or I was explaining on different videos, like Hito for entrepreneurs. Um, that's interesting stuff like, Hey, if you're an entrepreneur, you need to be on keto. And they're like, wait, what, anybody that knows anything about keto is searching Quito and entrepreneurship or has any kind of keywords for that. Like, that's going to be a cheap keyword for me to, to get. And not only that, I'm going to find somebody who is looking for like exactly what I'm talking about.   So when they come onto my page or my sales funnel, the first page of my funnel, they're literally going to be like, he's speaking directly to me because I'm going to make the copy specifically for that person. So anybody that's searching this stuff, Hey, you know what, like I'm entrepreneurship like, uh, I'm an entrepreneurship or I'm an entrepreneur, um, Quito entrepreneurs on Quito, like different, different variations of that. Um, if they, if they're searching that they're ready essentially to buy whatever I'm selling, because I'm speaking directly to entrepreneurs who need to be doing keto or entrepreneurs who understand things about Quito. So I can pay a lot less for keyword. Yeah. There's not going to be as many people searching it, but that's the point as well. I'm not just looking for a general idea or general keyword that I'm going to try to pick off people that might be understanding where I'm going to be selling them, like might be ready for what I'm selling them.   Instead. I'm just going to go for the smaller numbers and get directly to the people who I do want to sell right away. So hopefully, hopefully this helps a little bit, if you're selling more to just the generic market and let me get into this a little bit more, if you have a generic person or a generic who everybody talks about, know who you're selling. If you have a generic who then your, your it's not very good. Um, I think it was Perry Belcher that talked about, um, I think it was him, but I can't, I gotta find this, don't quote me on that. Um, I got to find out where the story exactly is I can't remember, but he was   Pitching these two salon owners, um, these two, these two women that owned a salon, pitching them on this product that he was trying to sell them. So he goes in there, they're like the main people. And he's talking through this whole product, like giving his whole spiel, his pitch. Um, and they're like, wow. Yeah, this is great. This is cool. And then they kept like looking at each other and they kept asking each other. You think, you think Karen would like this? I don't remember if that's the exact name of the user. I feel like I, I, I feel like I used the correct name the other day. Anyway. You think Karen would actually like this? You think Karen would buy this? Do you think Karen would, um, use this product? Uh, and they kept, they said it enough that eventually he's like, all right, who is caring and why is she not here?   Cause it sounds like she's the decision maker and she should be here because I don't want to be talking to somebody who can't make a decision on whether or not this product, whether or not you can actually buy this from me. Like otherwise I'm just standing here wasting my time, trying to pitch you guys on this product. And now you're going to go tell somebody and not deliver it correctly to the person who actually makes, you know, the decisions. Um, and they just kind of laughed at him and like, Oh no, no, it's, Karen's our customer avatar. And he's like, you're what, like, he'd never heard of a customer avatar this time at this point. So, um, let me go back here.   So customer avatar, that's an interesting concept in & of itself. So the customer avatar, they literally had a paper filled out like this big poster that had a picture, like a stick figure on it. Um, I'm just thinking through what, what I saw in my head as I listened to the story, um, like a stick figure of somebody with like, its kinda drawn out into this girl named her Karen and then gave like, put on all of the things she likes to do the things she doesn't like to do. Like, you name it, like they had this person dial down. Like it wasn't even a real person, but you would have thought it's a real person. They knew their customers so well, they knew exactly what they liked, what they didn't like any of that stuff. So when he came in, started pitching them, they're like, you know what?   We just don't feel like Karen would actually like, this would be good for her. Like, we don't feel like she would enjoy this. We don't feel like she would actually buy it again or buy it in the first place. So they passed on it. And he's like, that is amazing. If you don't know your customer avatar, you don't know who you're actually like selling to. You don't know how to talk to them. If you don't know how to talk to the person you're trying to sell and chances are, they're not going to relate with you and chances are, they're not going to understand what you're trying to say or sell them. So, and if you're just selling a generic person, you're going to get kind of a generic result, which is interesting. So I just wanted to go through this with you guys. This is kind of a base level. I know Steven's got some, I think he's got some deeper, uh, three core markets podcasts that you guys can check out to you if you want to go into a little bit deeper, but I just wanted to put this out there. Like I'm seeing so many people mess this up right now. So I wanted you to run this, run through this with you guys. Um, and have you, yeah. Give you something to think on so you can like figure out, you know what my actually might talk to the right person. And chances are like, if, if you know who you're actually selling, when they ask you something or they ask you a question, you're going to be able to answer and they're going to be like, Oh my goodness, you are totally correct. Like that. Exactly how I'm feeling. You validated exactly what I'm thinking, how I felt. I feel the emotion of you taking off the problem and giving me the solution that I've been needing. So yes, I need to pay you because you provide the exact solution for my exact like scenario or problem or whatever it may be. Whereas if I'm just trying to sell Quito to anybody, it's like, yeah, you're you can still sell it, but yeah, I'm going to sell it nearly as well, unless you're like speaking directly to your customer avatar. So hopefully that helps guys. I wanted to run that through that with you guys today. Um, yeah, go out there, keep crushing it. And trust me, there's like listening to the experts and stuff. And this is a, yeah, this is, this is the way to think about it. So awesome stuff guys. Um, thank you very much. We'll talk to you all later.