Llew O'Brien - the Deputy Speaker in the House of Representatives - НОВИЙ ЗАСТУПНИК ГЛАВИ ПАЛАТИ ПРЕДСТАВНИКІВ


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News & Politics

The Federal Opposition has delivered the Morrison government a humiliating start to the parliamentary week by getting a disgruntled Nationals backbencher elected as Deputy Speaker.Queensland MP Llew O'Brien had earlier quit the National Party following Barnaby Joyce's failed bid for leadership last week, but promised to still support the government. In an embarrassing blow to the government and Nationals leader Michael McCormack, Llew O'Brien has accepted the nomination to be the Deputy Speaker in the House of Representatives... - Дещо про роботу Федерального парламенту Австралії та, зокрема, про обрання нового заступника Глави Палати представників, яким став Llew O'Brien...