Make it Matter: Abundance vs Scarcity


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Make It Matter: Strategies for Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses Owners to Have More Impact


We hope this is a year of ABUNDANCE for you and your business – this podcast is about opening your eyes to all the riches available to you! So, why are we talking about this? Why do we think it’s so important? Well, for me, I think our mind is powerful, the way we think can be an incredible tool for our can be an incredible tool for winning in business, winning in sports, and ultimately, winning in life. The Scarcity mindset...thinking that we have limited resources and when someone is succeeding, that someone else must be struggling. OR when someone is winning, someone must be losing, and when someone gets a huge promotion, the rest of us will be overlooked, so why even bother trying? We must change our mindset from scarcity to abundance. And how do we do that? Let me go over the 3 points that Bru went over: And I love this, as Bru said..first ask yourself...what you got? and deeply focus on what you have. And what is that you have? Point #1: We have an abundance of RELATIONSHIPS Point #2: We have an abundance of CREATIVITY Point #3: We have an abundance of RESOURCES  Also, here's a link to the song Bru was talking about: We would love to hear from you, so, just leave us a comment on the iTunes review or contact us directly by going to We added a record button on there so you can send us by voice, a question, a comment or a shoutout, whatever you want. We might even play it on this podcast. So, in the meantime, thank you so much for listening, and remember to always MAKE IT MATTER.  Bye for now.