May Day 2019 with ILWU Local 10 and Brace Belden


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In this episode Nick Novitski talks to Brace Belden about the 2019 May Day action organized by the members of IWLU Local 10 to oppose the plans of the Oakland Port Commision and Oakland A's owner John Fisher to build a new baseball stadium on the site of Howard Terminal. Thanks to the Labor Video Project, you can watch Brace's full speech at the action, along with those of many other powerful speakers, such as the president of CWA AFA International, Sara Nelson. Labor Video Project - Brace's speech - Thanks to the Harry Bridges Project, you can also watch a rehearsal session of Local 10's Drill Team (which Brace and Nick both admire, but both misremember as being called a "color guard"), and a short excerpt of a documentary about them. Harry Bridges Projet - Drill Team rehearsal - Drill Team documentary excerpt - Email DSASF's Labor Committee to find out how you can support the workers of the Bay Area at