MEN'S MONTH here @ Buzzardskorner Of Love!


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Religion & Spirituality

(714)510-3707 Sign up for our Monthly Email Angels, Pick up a Coaching Package and so much more! BUZZARDSKORNER OF LOVE RADIO asks is your Male Energy in balance with your Femenine Energies? Coming out of Women's Month we are moving right into Men's Month and so we are going to discuss BALANCE! I know for me as a teenager, young adult my Male Energy was way out of control! We will define what Male Energy is and what it is here for and what it isn't. This isn't just for Men as both male/female have the masculine and femenine enegies! Prayer, Affiramtions, and if you have testimony or comments feel free to call into our show and share! Notice which side of you is dominant as we will be discussing that as well! BUZZARDSKORNER OF LOVE RADIO bringing people back to themselves