Mental Blossoms episode 2 - Destigmatizing Mental Health & LGBTQIA+


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Mental Blossoms - The Wellness Stream


Good Lives focusses on making mental health services accessible to all and creating mental health awareness at the workplace and otherwise. We offer services such as LGBTQIA+ Counselling, Marriage and Family Therapy and Group Therapy to our clients. In this episode, Ms. Rupa Nagarajan, who is a therapist with Good Lives and Mr. Arnab Nandy discuss the stigma associated with mental health and the difficulties faced by the LGBTQIA+ community in our society. Click on the episode and listen to the discussion they both had around the below points. - What is queer affirmative/queer sensitive therapy?  - Why is it important to find the right therapist?  - Why are people hesitant to seek therapy?  - Specific challenges of the community - How do we go about destigmatizing and normalizing therapy?  - Is it important to build a support network for significant allies?  - How do we go about building a more inclusive society?