Mid-January Loss of Focus and Energy: How I Used ACTION to Get Back on Track & How You Can Too!


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From Mourning To ACTION!


Join me in this unique episode as I discuss the loss of motivation, focus and clarity...and energy...I was experiencing in this New Year. If we're anything alike, we started the new year off strong but started to falter, waver, lose steam somewhere along the way. I share with you through openness and vulnerability, what it was like for me to fall off to the point where it resulted in not having a guest to interview today. Hopefully this gives you hope and inspiration that you are not alone in your journey, and I understand what you're going through! Now that we've got that out of the way...let's get back into ACTION yall!!From Mourning To Action: Powerfully Working Through Loss is a podcast based on Dr. Damon Silas’s first two books - From Mourning To Knight: Overcoming Loss; and What’s Your ACTION Plan? 6 Powerful Ways To Get Unstuck in Your Life Now! In these books, Dr. Silas discusses the various losses he has experienced (and not just death), how he has personally worked through these losses; and what he has noticed professionally as a psychologist and coach that has proven helpful for clients and patients as they work through their own losses. You can find either book on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or any other platform that offers books, or by going to his website here:https://damonsilaspsychology.com/store/