Money, Your Business and Your Earning Potential. Tapping Into Your Multi-D Soul Wealth Legacy


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Earthed Soul


Every leader I work with has a burning desire to consistently and joyfully sign clients into her work. Without losing herself in complex business strategies or trying to break through her blocks. She also has a healthy appetite to hit new money heights with her gifts. To step out of the scarcity cycle and be able to gift her family with deep and soulful wealth. But money for money’s sake will never be enough for her. Because her purpose is set on making an impact in the world. But often our choice to receive for our gifts is directly proportional to our creative potential. Because our money wounding runs deep as women. When we can’t bear to be seen and heard, we often struggle to let money land in our bank account too. Expression = Selling Herself = Payment. Repeat. It’s a collective agony to keep hitting up against your visibility fears and feel like your abundance and money keeps leaking away. But I’ve learnt that rather than trying to heal and solve those ancient wounds, we can choose to walk through a new doorway. A multi-dimensional one. A realm already swamped and dripping with original riches. Doing so shifts a leader into her multi-D soul wealth legacy. The problem with trying to desperately prove the value and profitability of your soul work, is that you are only relating to your money and wealth from the 3rd dimension. The only true source of limitless, luminous and ongoing wealth is your legacy. Your eternal investment portfolio. Because your soul cares way more about fulfilling her legacy than she does about fame or fortune. That’s why its essential you plug your wealth containers into what truly matters. That your business and leadership is sourced in what truly matters. That’s the key to your financial success in your gifts. This energy has the capacity to dissolve any scarcity stories, poverty history and visibility fears. Because you become enflamed with your soul. And she supplies your wealth, consistently and always. That’s why this week in the Earthed Soul podcast, I’ll be sharing how to upgrade your money flow and connect your wealth containers into your unique soul blueprint. If you desire to create your multi-D soul wealth - for yourself, your family and as a role model for other feminised leaders, then please come along to this week’s soul transmission. If you know you’re ready to upgrade your monthly money earnings for your gifts, but want to do it aligned to your soul and not your ego, then you’ll learn how to figure out where your wealth truly flows from. It is possible to stake your claim as a rich and wealthy leader while being wholly devoted to your highest soul calling. In fact, this is the original marriage - to be in your ecstatic creativity and wealth simultaneously. Join us to activate this for yourself!