NEO420 Talks - Strong words to awaken the sheeple...from the roadtrip


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NEO420's Podcast

Health & Fitness

Pc is on the road and seeing so much that most neglect or deny. And he is calling it out so the sheeple (people who are lead around like sheep just regurgitating lies that they hear and are told by idiots / paid personalities on tv / liars in politics / social media "influencers") can a BIG taste of Truth right in the face!So many are so ignorant to the lies that they can't even take off the mask after they kit the deadly*shot. STOP BEING STUPID AND BELIEVING THE LIARS!!! THEY WANT YOU STUPID SO THEY CAN KEEP YOU WORKING, STEAL YOUR MONEY, AND KILL YOU!!!THIS IS A WAR AGAINST THE EVIL PEOPLE WHO ARE TRYING TO KILL THE IDIOTS!!!KNOW YOU ARE A CHILD OF GOD AND THERE IS NOTHING TO FEAR ACCEPT FEAR ITSELF!!!If you don't know Jesus, I pray you get to know him. Seek and ye shall find. Jesus LOVES you! And so do I!Get close to GOD!!!We are an independent reporting Patriot group focused on Truth!!!"Speaking Truth against the lies" All podcast episodes on our website. channel is NEO420TALKS the show (