Paris, Texas


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Sydney Fashion House


Paris Texas | 729 Bourke St, Surry Hills

With sass and pizzazz, Annette of Paris, Texas assembles an eclectic and enervating mix in her Bourke Street boutique. For the guys there's rock 'n' roll tshirts, for the gift buyer cute jewelry and cat candles and for the fashionista there's vibrant local designers that are just plain cool. Annette's the one with the loud voice and eye for style.

Featured designs of Episode 3: Katou; Mogil; Oscar; Runaway Lover; Chloe O'Reilly; Indiana by Freda; Sumaki; State of Georgia; Sewn; Noe; Iggy and Lou Lou

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Credits for this one: Camera, Matt Venables, Sound David Henley, Hosts: Alice Grundy and Jesse Stein and Mark Sutton. Music by Monk Fly. Brought to you by Xou Pty Ltd