Positive Pods - Stressed Out, Bumped Out


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Positive Pods on the Positive Radio Network


Let’s face it, we all encounter a variety of life challenges, difficulties and setbacks.They are an unavoidable and inevitable part of being human.  These events can stress us out and bum us out - and if we don’t build up the positive energy within us - they can completely disrupt our life and our happiness....That is, if we let them. By learning how to manage stress and respond with a positive attitude to each challenge, you’ll grow as a person and start moving forward in life. And here is the secret… The secret is to recognize the inevitability of temporary disappointments or defeats, and accept them as a normal and natural part of life. This is about responding to problems with a positive attitude, learning from them, and moving forward in the direction of your dreams.There is a natural tendency in all of us to react emotionally when our expectations are frustrated in any way.  When something we wanted and hoped for fails to materialize, we feel a temporary sense of disappointment and unhappiness. Since our conscious mind can only hold either a positive or negative thought at one time, we have to make a choice.. and if we deliberately choose to think positively, we keep our mind optimistic and our emotions positive.Since your thoughts and feelings determine your actions, you will tend to be more constructive, and you will continue moving forward toward your dreams - with a happier and more positive mindset.So how do we stay positive during times of stress, moments of disappointment, setbacks, frustration?  Here are some simple tips -  and the hint for those who have listened before… these are not new!  :) Step 1: Change the word you use - instead of problem, think of it as a temporary challenge - or even better - a new opportunity to learn and grow. Step 2: Make the conscious choice to NOT let this get you down. In fact, as part of your daily gratitude exercises, resolve in advance that no matter what happens today, you will not allow it to get you down.Step 3: Talk to Yourself.  Daily positive affirmations will keep any negative thoughts or emotions at bay.  In other words, “you are what you think you are” so think beautiful, successful, loving and positive thoughts and see how amazing your day will be. Remember, it is impossible to learn and grow without adversity, without difficulties.  These are inevitable - but they are also temporary - and they are most certainly opportunities to learn, grow, love and live.  So as you embark on your day today —look at everything as an opportunity to learn and grow toward your dreams!