Racial Injustice and Mental Health


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“I'm Asa (AYE-suh) Featherstone, IV. I create both short documentary and still photography that investigates the human experience by bringing new perspectives to things widely understood. I share work that feels personal and vulnerable in hopes that we learn more about one another and connect authentically. I take a lot of influence from family, skate culture, and music to help bring stories to life.” Twitter: @savvyoso Instagram: @savvyoso_ Instagram: @savvyoso_ For more information: www.stigmatizedpodcast.com Our Team... Production & Music: Gwynne Sound - gwynnesound.com Artwork: Neltner Small Batch - www.neltnersmallbatch.com Photography: Jon Willis – www.jonbob.com and Lindsey Steinhauser - www.facebook.com/lindsey.hamelsteinhauser Find us on Social Media... Facebook: www.facebook.com/StigmatizedPodcast Twitter: www.twitter.com/the_rev_trev Instagram: @stigmatizedpod Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/StigmatizedP National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255 We can all help prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.