Rangar Kjartansson - Bliss


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For Performa 11, artist Ragnar Kjartansson presents a a twelve-hour long performance, entitled Bliss, that will repeat the delirious final aria of Mozart’s 1786 opera The Marriage of Figaro. In the final act of this opera, the Count asks the Countess' forgiveness for his arrogant blunders, which she grants, inspiring the entire court to celebrate. Kjartansson’s performance will replicate the lavishness of traditional opera with a full orchestra, elaborate scenery, and period costumes, and will feature renowned Icelandic tenor Kristján Jóhannsson and a group of Icelandic opera singers, as well as the artist himself, continuously replaying the two-minute musical, visual, and narrative pinnacle of the opera, approaching a euphoric state for performers and listeners alike. During the 12 hours the audience is welcome to wander in and out of the performance.