Retrain Your Mind


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HR Jacob Darr


Jacob Darr Associates does not represent candidates unless they have a work motivation and a personal motivation. Simply wanting a higher salary isn’t enough. Today, Jacob is talking about retraining your mind to set yourself up for more success. This translates into so many different areas in life. He tells us how humans are wired to avoid doing things they find scary, but knowing exactly what you want in life can be effective in overcoming this blockage.Big changes require big efforts, but Jacob shares a saying that can make these big changes more manageable. Based on books he has read lately, Jacob believes that it is not the smartest people who achieve the greatest success; the people who make the fewest excuses do. Indecision is the thief of opportunity, leading Jacob to explain the five-second window that humans have to make a decision before falling back into their comfort zone. What makes you comfortable can ruin you, and what makes you uncomfortable is the only way to grow. What you are and what you become depends on how you use your time. Jacob illustrates that the billionaire and the beggar both have twenty-four hours to work with each day. When Jacob realized that he had the power to move from being on autopilot to making decisions, everything changed. If you set yourself up to succeed, you will realize the number of excuses you were putting in the way of your hopes, dreams, confidence, potential, and courage. Take ownership of everything in your world and your problems will be solved. Start doing little things today.