Ryan Chamley's wild ride from YouTube to Netflix to a major television network.


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Ryan Chamley is a true renaissance man. A writer, director, producer and actor, he started out with one DSLR shooting golfing tournaments, then founded a corporate video company, to now writing and directing a workplace comedy for Netflix and channel 7 Mate - he is an incredible talent!⁠Hearing about Ryan's journey with his television show in particular, it became abundantly clear that he has adopted many of the lean start up principles along the way. Ryan has a particular flair for understanding his audience, hacking his way to building and testing audience growth across social-media and using this feedback to grow a massive following and has been rightly rewarded with syndication across Netflix and Channel 7 mate.⁠So let's look at the numbers, as this story is truly amazing. Ryan has generated over 1 million views on Youtube and generated 382,000 followers on facebook. Listening to how he tested his content on the audience and iterated accordingly is incredibly beneficial to startups listening. This is so crucial in informing you of what to do next and validating your product.To find out more have a look here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbGZHp6POEw