Season 3: Episode 1 — Agitate! Educate! Organize!


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Socialist Rifle Association Podcast


Faye gives an update on the Socialist Rifle Association and the new proposed reform package which will completely overhaul the organization's bylaws.The main reason for this is that the current bylaws were written with an organization of 500 to 1500 people in mind; now with more than 3500 members we are struggling to keep up. The new bylaws increase the federation and decentralization of the national organization, while still keeping centralism where it's needed. The most important change is a separation of powers between three branches: National Assembly, Administration, Member Welfare Council.Highlights: Dissolution of the Central CommitteeEstablishment of a National AssemblyAssembly meets 4 times per yearAssembly made up of elected delegates from chapters and at largeAssembly decides budgets and big picture decisionsPresident remains an elected position; Treasurer and Secretary appointed by National AssemblyPresident, Treasurer, and Secretary oversee new Director and Staff, which handle day to day AdministrationMember Welfare Council established as main judicial body with at least 7 membersDues Sharing -- Ratified chapters receive 30% of member dues within their jurisdictionTwo tier membership system to improve opsec/vettingChanges will require new member management software; we found an open source solution, TendenciMuch More...I would encourage anyone with the time to read the new bylaws and reply with any comments, questions, concerns, and suggestions. You can post here, but I would recommend putting any serious in-depth discussion on the SRA forums, linked above. Also, Alex know the wording of these bylaws the best, BUT please do not overwhelm her with direct messages; I and other members of the CC can help read and interpret the new bylaws as well.After a few weeks of comment and revision we will put this forward to the general membership for a formal vote to approve or disapprove of these new bylaws. I think the changes are all positive and will ensure that the SRA is able to adapt and stay accountable as an organization as we continue to grow into one of the largest and most influential socialist organizations in the United States.-----------This is followed by an interview with Emerican Johnson, discussing the new organization General Strike 2020, an agitation and organizing body which is focused on helping people new to leftist organizing find existing groups and organizations that can help them build power where they are. General Strike 2020Website: Rifle AssociationWebsite: @SocialistRAInstagram: @SocialistRAFacebook: @SocialistRifleFaye's Twitter: @FayeEcklar