Setup your Online Business & Embrace freedom in 2020


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Create the freedom you deserve. Work from anywhere by setting up your online E-commerce store. Dropshipping. What is it? when to start? where to learn? what should be your budget? How much money can you make? United States E-commerce sales in 2019 — US $580 BILLION. Yup. 72% of ALL sales was done via a mobile device. Yes people are buying a lot of stuff & they are using their smartphones to shop. What’s next? Create a beautiful store that is optimised for a Mobile Device, attract people to your store & make money So, what is dropshipping? There are manufacturers (suppliers) in China who does manufacturing at a fraction of the cost. What costs $4 to be made in the United States can be manufactured in China for $1. #margins. So how to take advantage of this model? Stage 1 Find an agent from “upwork”, skype with them, their services among others include making sure your item reaches you from China within 7–12 days. Stage 2 Create your store, upload the items you are selling (Selection is a whole another episode), sync your bank account to receive payments Stage 3 Marketing using Facebook & Instagram (Do not get paid Ads unless you have identified a clearly winning audience). Why? because Marketing is an amplification tool. If you amplify your succesful organic sales & automate it with a paid Ad, you will multiply that goodness. On the contrary, if your organic sales looks like a turd and you automate that using paid Ads, you will get a big fat turd! Nobody wants that! Stage 4 Find influencers on social media. They are for social proof. Get on Instagram or Tik Tok, find an influencer with a large fanbase, offer them a percentage commission on every sale they bring you. This way they make more money with every post & you get your social proof. Winner winner, chicken dinner! Budget — $100– $200 to start off.. Setup & upload inventory App Design Marketing Where to learn? find us at & we will set you up for success!