Show Up For Postpartum


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Tether Together

Kids & Family

Show UP for Postpartum! Last week we talked about WHY we need to #showupforpostpartum. This week we are breaking down HOW. Hiring a Postpartum Doula can actually revolutionize how your family and friends show up for you! Not only are we teaching families about how create rings of support, we are equipping those rings with a solid roadmap of how to doula you. Now everyone is your Doula! We've got your DO-sies and your DON'T-sies for showing up in postpartum spaces because we know you want to be the dream guest! We are looking at YOU Great Aunt Susan! Our dream for this episode is that it is shared far and wide by pregnant and postpartum people, to their family and friends near and far and by doula's to their communities and in their client resource docs, inspiring people to activate support and receive care from their community. If you want further nourishment, support and inspo, hop over to our email love notes and make sure you're signed up so we can doula your inbox. Also, over on Instagram the hashtags #nourishedpostpartumchallenge and #showupforpostpartum are a beautiful example of what happens when community comes together to support this vital and potent time period. Check it out! Happy meal preppin'! #nourishedpostpartum #bossydoula #doularesourcedoc This episode of Tether Together was produced by Samara Ferguson