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GospelLife360 Podcast

Religion & Spirituality

We are saved by the power and glory of Jesus Christ through His death on the cross, the shedding of His blood for our redemption, and His resurrection giving us victory over sin and death! But through the sanctifying work of His word by the power of His Holy Spirit, we are to destroy the strongholds of our flesh that we might take every thought captive to the obedience of Jesus Christ!When we allow half-truths, speculations, and lofty things to be raised up against the knowledge of God, we are allowing those strongholds to be built higher and not torn down. From the time we took our first breaths in this world, the family we were born into, the culture we were raised in, and even some of the religious groups we were a part of have given us half-truths and sometimes outright lies, that have become strongholds preventing us from walking in faith and knowing God's freedom!Let's open up the gospel together and let the word of God through the Holy Spirit reveal to us those strongholds robbing us of the intimacy God has called us to!