Teen texts, A solo Christmas, Setting up for success, Festivus – An OBVIOU5 Voice – Episode 20


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An OBVIOU5 Voice


Teen texts, A solo Christmas, Setting up for success, Festivus – An OBVIOU5 Voice – Episode 20    December 23, this will be the last episode of 2020, and it's only right to end on episode 20.    Parenting  “kk”  Understanding your text messages from your teens. Every generation, we all have our different lingo and the way that we say things and the way that we talk to our friends. Even more so now with texting and with this next generation.    Mental Health  Two sides of the story when we're talking about mental health this year with Christmas, how to survive a solo Christmas as a single dad. And there are a lot of people out there right now that are extremely happy with the restrictions. Because they don't have the stress with Christmas.    Dapper  Setting yourself up for success for next year. As we get rid of 2020, we know that 2021 is going to be one special year because everyone's going to be going out and pushing harder than they ever had before. Once everything is open back up, you hit the ground running and you're way ahead of everybody else. Do the steps now.     Festivus; airing of grievances.  This is basic, after the garbage that we've gone through, I want to talk about the stupid people during COVID.     Dad Tip of the Day  “Smile as often as you can. You never know what can happen tomorrow.”  “Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die.”  - Dave Matthews Band