TFC Special: 初入职场的你,该如何省钱、花钱、让钱生钱?[理财哦椰! 第一集]


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Financially Literate Singapore


TFC is excited to introducing our new podcast show: 理财哦椰! This is our very first Mandarin financial literacy podcast show that caters to our Chinese-speaking family & friends who also want to learn how to create a life we love while managing our finances well. Check out the first episode here and head over to 理财哦椰! for more Chinese content: 你好,勇者。欢迎来到就业新手村!初入职场的你是否觉得前路茫茫,赚取的第一份薪水不知如何管理?记账时该记得多详细?薪水到底该先存还是先投资? 理财哦椰! 第一集邀请了新加坡首个 “个人理财 podcast 节目” The Financial Coconut 的主持人兼创办人“理财大椰”本椰 Reggie 来为你排忧解难。 很多人都认为人生中赚取的第一笔薪水应该先省起来,Reggie 却不以为然。想知道为什么吗?欲知详情,请收听理财哦椰! 第一集。 For all other links mentioned or to discover more from the team at The Financial Coconut (including all our other shows), go to  --- The Financial Coconut started out as a reaction to online fake gurus who are propagating over simplified get rich quick programs. A Podcast that grew out of a desire to share best practices regarding personal finance turned into a network of content championing this idea of “Creating a life you love, while managing your finances well”.