The Guest of Honor


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First Baptist Church (Jackson, MI) Sermons

Religion & Spirituality

Have you ever felt uncomfortable in a group setting? Maybe you weren’t sure who to talk to. Maybe you didn’t know where to sit. In Luke 14, Jesus celebrates an unexpected dinner guest before explaining his advice on seating arrangements. In a world of competitive social ladder climbing, listen to Jesus’ community changing advice. Our current sermon series is titled “The Table: Turning Ordinary Meals into Sacred Moments.” In this series, we’ll walk through different moments of a meal, how it relates to the gospel, and how it invites us into everyday spiritual moments. We hope you’ll join us for the series, but also that you might be intentional about your meals beyond our service time. Sermon preached by Pastor Dallas Flippin, on Sunday, September 19, 2021 at the First Baptist Church of Jackson, MI. Learn more about FBCJXN at Want to connect more with us, fill out our virtual connect card at How can we pray for you? Let us know at