The Teach Them Right Radio Show – Episode #4: Lessons I Learned From The Presidential Election


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Check it out, Episode #4 is HERE! In many homes, there was lamenting, shock, and awe. But may I encourage us all to take this opportunity to gather the family together and come up with a strategy on how to navigate over the next four to eight years. Neely Fuller gives nine areas of activity that make a perfect starting point for the discussion. A family strategy in these areas will go a long way towards making your family "politic proof". Mental freedom isn't given by the White House, but in Our House. 1. Economics 2. Education 3. Entertainment 4. Labor 5. Law 6. Politics 7. Religion 8. Sex 9. War/Counter-War Frances Cress Welsing passed away Jan. 2016, but she lived just long enough to understand what was going down. Which is why I'm baffled as to why some are shocked. She understood how real race-baiting goes down.  Evangelicals are now talking prayer and unity. But please know, that if you research the so-called evangelical church in America, one group, and it wasn't the "black-side", was more than happy with the divide. This is why as a group the majority was in support of (as they point out with abortion, silence, is support) Jim Crow segregation, the KKK, segregated churches, institutional racism, sexism, etc.. Sadly, it would have made my heart glad to see evangelicals not support either candidate and I would have had respect for that decision. But I have to wonder, since we like to say, "lesser of two evils", if the decision was between the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet, which would they choose? After Tuesday, all of the Left Behind Pre-Trib loving folks seemed to just "take the mark", letting an evil system (logically, how can you have evil choices but a good system?) dictate their choices, something I'm sure they claim they'd never do. The New...Furious StylesThe Teach Them Right Radio Show –