Times of Transition and National Security Risks: A News Roundup


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National Security Law Today


The podcast hosts discuss the ongoing troubles with the presidential transition, and why that's a security risk, along with the shakeups at the highest levels of CISA. This episode references: 9/11 Commission Report [PDF] https://govinfo.library.unt.edu/911/report/911Report.pdf The Presidential Transition Act of 1963 [PDF]https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/STATUTE-78/pdf/STATUTE-78-Pg153.pdf CRS Report "Presidential Transitions: Issues Involving Outgoing and Incoming Administrations" May 17, 2017https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/RL34722.pdf Joint Statement from Elections Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council & the Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Executive Committees, November 12, 2020https://www.cisa.gov/news/2020/11/12/joint-statement-elections-infrastructure-government-coordinating-council-election